Battleground и KVM

Тема в разделе 'Полезные гайды', создана пользователем SnupoS, 5 фев 2011.

  1. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009

    Арена представляет собой PVP - 5x5.
    Кстати, поговаривают, арена выглядит именно так:
    Награда : Призовые Очки, которые можно будет менять на Вещи/Оружие/Аксессуары с сумашедшими возможностями, особенно для PvP. И при заточке, дают определенные бонусы, но об этом, чуть ниже.
    За победу : 5 очков.
    За поражение : 1 очко.
    Чтобы победить есть 2 варианта.
    1. - нужно уничтожить всех игроков другой команды, на что у вас будет 5 минут
    2. - можно оставить в живых на 1 человека меньше, чем в вашей команде. по истечению 5 минут.
    По завершению битвы, у вас будет ~30 секунд, чтобы забрать свою награду и выйти. Иначе вы будите кикнуты из битвы насильно и потеряете очки.
    Чтобы посмотреть ваши заработаные очки, вам следует всего навсего поговорить с этим НПЦ.
    Не очень популярная арена, скорее всего, в связи с очень дорогими вещами. Но, я думаю, обладатели этих вещей - будут действительно в своей тарелке. Призываю всех любителей PVP начать ходить на KVM - арену.

    1.Оружие за KVM очки.
    1. One-Handed Sword, Two-Handed Sword, One-Handed Spear, Two-Handed Spear, One-Handed Axe, Two-Handed Axe, Dagger, Mace, Claw, Book.
    2. Katar, Huuma, Bow, Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Gatling Gun, Grenade Launcher, Guitar, Whip, Rod, Two-handed Staff

    2. Вещи за KVM очки.
    С описанием сета.

    3. Аксессуары за KVM очки.
    С описанием сета.


    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by X%, - Означает
    - Увеличивает физический урон по монстрам, принадлежащим к расе [Demi-Human], на Х%.

    Внимание!!! некоторые картинки взяты с различных источников, названия могут не совпадать!

    Чтобы попасть на БГ-арену, вы должны поговорить с одним из НПЦ, которые находятся по данным координатам:

    Пронтера: (123, 83)
    Альдебаран: (146, 109)

    Пайон: (189, 105)
    Моррок: (moc_ruins 75, 162)

    Лайтхайзен: (153, 86)

    Рашель: (149,138)

    Система арены:

    БГ-арены представляет собой командное PVP.
    Guillaume vs Croix
    Кол-во участников: 10х10
    Все бои имеют общий набор базовых правил.
    Действуют ограничения на участие в турнирах - 5 минут.
    Когда игрок умирает, он попадает в отдельную комнату, где должен подождать некоторое время.. ~25 секунд.
    Существует всего 2 БГ арены:
    1. Tierra, - Победитель выявляется по завершению 1-ого раунда.
    2. Flavius, - Победитель выявляется по завершению 3-ех раундов. Или же после победы одной и той-же команды 2 раза подряд.

    Для участия в турнире, необходимо зарегистрироваться за синию или красную команду.

    После регистрации вы можете выбрать на какой турнир вы пойдете. После разговора с тем или иным НПЦ, вас перенесут в отдельную комнату.


    Для общения со своей командой нужно набрать /battlechat.
    Весь чат БГ-арены выделяется фиолетовым цветом. В это время не действуют Гильд-чаты.



    Две базы находятся в верхней и нижней части карты. Корабли указанные на карте - места респа команд.
    На каждой базе находится некий " кристалл " при захвате которого команда является победителем.
    В центре карты находится флаг, при захвате которого ваша команда получает под управление мечников и лучника - защитников.

    Победившая команда получает 3 Bravery Badge; проигравшая получает 1.

    [IMG], [IMG]


    Победа достается команде, разрушившей кристалл другой команды.

    Кристалл каждой команды охраняется Защитниками ( 1 Swordman-Guard, 1 Archer-Guard ), которых нужно будет убить, чтобы иметь возможность атаковать кристалл.
    Когда кристалл разрушен, ваша команда получает 1 очко. Выигрывает команда, получившая 2 очка.

    На кристаллы нельзя использовать умения.

    Победившая команда получает 9 Valor Badge; проигравшая получает 3.

    Но, что же делать с этими Badge? Об этом чуть ниже.
    1. Их можно потратить на расход для БГ.
    2. Их можно потратить на БГ-Сеты ( Вещи )
    3. Их можно потратить на БГ оружие.
    4. Аксессуары.

    Какой расход можно купить за Badge?
    Вот, глядите сами ;)

    Что такое БГ-сеты?
    БГ-сеты - Броня+Накидка+Ботинки для той или иной профессии, дающие всякие плюшки.
    Их всего 7.

    1. Сет для Swordman, Merchant Class и TaeKwon
    2. Сет строго для Merchant Class.
    3. Сет для Thief Class, Ninja.
    4. Сет для Archer Class.
    5. Сет для Gunslinger.
    6. Сет для Mage Class и Soul Linker.
    7. Сет для Acolyte Class.

    1. One-handed Sword, Two-handed sword, One-handed Spear, Two-handed Spear, Two-hand Axe, Dagger's.
    2. Rod, Mace, Book, Claw.
    3. Fuuma Shuriken, Katar's, Bow, Guitar, Whip.
    4. Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Gatling Gun

    Теперь по поводу аксессуаров. ( Кстати, они идут в комплекте с кольцом из KVM. )
    Их 6. Чтобы не занимать много места, будем размещать по 2 аксессуара в 1 посте.

    1. Аксессуары для Merchant и Acolyte Class
    2. Аксессуары для Mage Class, Soul Linker; Archer Class
    3. Аксессуары для Swordman Class, Star Gladiator; Thief Class
  2. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    1. Сет для Swordman class, Merchant class, TaeKwon class

    Assaulter Plate [1]
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 7
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 80 Bravery Badge или 80 Valor Badge
    Designed for brave warriors who face enemies at the forefront. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
    Max HP + 150.
    MDef +2.
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 2%.

    Captain's Manteau [1]
    Subtype: Garment
    Weight: 0
    Def: 4
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A dignified, splendid Manteau that is provided to any warrior who brings great honor from the battlefield.
    Max HP +50
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Battle Greave [1]
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 4
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A Greave that optimizes the quality of one's ability for battle.
    Max HP +100
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Set bonus.
    Vit +3
    Max HP +12%
    Increases damage received from all races except [Demi-Human] race by 200%.
    Increases the recovery rate of skills and items by 10%.
    Adds a 0.5% chance for when physically attacked, 600 HP will be automaticly restored to the user every second for 10 seconds.
  3. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    2. Сет для Merchant class

    Elite Engineer Armor [1]
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 7
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 80 Bravery Badge или 80 Valor Badge
    Designed to be used by outstanding warriors who have remarkable attack skills. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
    Max HP + 150.
    MDef +2.
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 2%.

    Captain's Manteau [1]
    Subtype: Garment
    Weight: 0
    Def: 4
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A dignified, splendid Manteau that is provided to any warrior who brings great honor from the battlefield.
    Max HP +50
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Battle Greave [1]
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 4
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A Greave that optimizes the quality of one's ability for battle.
    Max HP +100
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Set bonus.
    Str +3
    Max HP +12%
    Increases damage received from all races except [Demi-Human] race by 200%.
    Increases the damage inflicted with [Mammonite] by 20%.
    Increases the recovery power of the user's healing skills by 10%.
    The armor becomes unbreakable.
  4. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    3. Сет для Thief class

    Assassin Robe [1]
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 7
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 80 Bravery Badge или 80 Valor Badge
    If you desire to move more quickly, this might help. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
    Max HP + 150.
    MDef +2.
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 2%.

    Captain's Manteau [1]
    Subtype: Garment
    Weight: 0
    Def: 4
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A dignified, splendid Manteau that is provided to any warrior who brings great honor from the battlefield.
    Max HP +50
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Battle Greave [1]
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 4
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A Greave that optimizes the quality of one's ability for battle.
    Max HP +100
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Set bonus.
    Agi +3
    Crit +5
    Aspd +5%
    Max HP +12%
    Increases damage received from all races except [Demi-Human] race by 200%.
    Adds a 1% chance for when physically attacked, 300 HP will be automaticly restored to the user every second for 10 seconds.
  5. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    4. Сет для Archer class

    Elite Archer Suit [1]
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 80 Bravery Badge или 80 Valor Badge
    If you desire to become an accurate and efficient warrior in battle, this might help. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
    Max HP + 150.
    MDef +2.
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 2%.

    Commander's Manteau [1]
    Subtype: Garment
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A Manteau that is provided to any superior commander who has the outstanding ability to support their base..
    Max HP +50
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Combat Boots [1]
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    Shoes that are comfortable and solidly made for battle.
    Max HP +100
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Set bonus.
    Dex +3
    Max HP +12%
    Increases damage received from all races except [Demi-Human] race by 200%.
    Reduces damage from ranged attacks by 10%.
    Reduces the skill usage delay by 25%.
  6. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    5. Сет для Gunslinger

    Elite Shooter Suit [1]
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 80 Bravery Badge или 80 Valor Badge
    If you are a true Gunslinger, you might want this suit! It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
    Max HP + 150.
    MDef +2.
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 2%.

    Sheriff's Manteau [1]
    Subtype: Garment
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A Manteau imbued with tension and the mysterious spirit of desolate wilderness.
    Max HP +50
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Battle Boots [1]
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    They don't look any different than other boots, but they are designed exclusively for Gunslingers.
    Max HP +100
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Set bonus.
    Dex +3
    Max HP +12%
    Increases damage received from all races except [Demi-Human] race by 200%.
    Reduces the skill usage delay by 25%.
    Reduces damage from ranged attacks by 10%.
  7. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    6. Сет для Soul Linker, Mage Class

    Warlock's Battle Robe [1]
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 80 Bravery Badge или 80 Valor Badge
    A Battle Robe that helps increase the possibility of survival. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
    Max HP + 150.
    MDef +2.
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 2%.

    Commander's Manteau [1]
    Subtype: Garment
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A Manteau that is provided to any superior commander who has the outstanding ability to support their base..
    Max HP +50
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Combat Boots [1]
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    Shoes that are comfortable and solidly made for battle.
    Max HP +100
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Set bonus.
    Int +3
    Max HP +12%
    Increases damage received from all races except [Demi-Human] race by 200%.
    Increases resistance to [Stun] status by 20%.
    Adds a 3% chance for when physically attacked, the user will become [Ghost] element for 10 seconds.
  8. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    7. Сет для Acolyte Class

    Medic's Robe [1]
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 80 Bravery Badge или 80 Valor Badge
    A Battle Robe that helps increase the possibility of survival. It gives off multiple effects when compounded as a set.
    Max HP + 150.
    MDef +2.
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 2%.

    Commander's Manteau [1]
    Subtype: Garment
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    A Manteau that is provided to any superior commander who has the outstanding ability to support their base..
    Max HP +50
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Combat Boots [1]
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 3
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 50 Bravery Badge или 50 Valor Badge
    Shoes that are comfortable and solidly made for battle.
    Max HP +100
    MDef +1
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 1%.

    Set bonus.
    Int +3
    Max HP +12%
    Increases damage received from all races except [Demi-Human] race by 200%.
    Reduces the cast time for [Holy Light] by 50%.
    Increases the recovery power of the user's healing skills 6%.
    Adds a 3% chance for when physically attacked, the user will become [Ghost] element for 10 seconds.
  9. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    Medal of Honor ( Аколит )
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 1
    Required Level: 70
    Стоимость: 500 Bravery Badge или 500 Valor Badge
    ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, MDEF + 6, Maximum HP + 600
    Add 1% chance of auto casting Silence on the enemy when attacking.

    Medal of Honor ( Торговец )
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 1
    Required Level: 70
    Стоимость: 500 Bravery Badge или 500 Valor Badge
    ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, Attack Speed + 10, Maximum HP + 500, Maximum SP + 50
    Add 1% chance of auto casting Curse on the enemy when attacking.
  10. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    Medal of Honor ( Лучник )
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 1
    Required Level: 70
    Стоимость: 500 Bravery Badge или 500 Valor Badge
    ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, Critical Rate + 10, Maximum HP + 300, Maximum SP + 80
    Add 1% chance of auto casting Blind on the enemy when attacking.

    Medal of Honor ( Маг, Линкер )
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 1
    Required Level: 70
    Стоимость: 500 Bravery Badge или 500 Valor Badge
    ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, MDEF + 6, Maximum HP + 600
    Add 1% chance of auto casting Stone on the enemy when attacking.
  11. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    Medal of Honor ( Вор )
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 1
    Required Level: 70
    Стоимость: 500 Bravery Badge или 500 Valor Badge
    ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, Flee Rate + 10, Maximum HP + 300, Maximum SP + 80
    Add 1% chance of auto casting Poison on the enemy when attacking.

    Medal of Honor ( Мечник, Гладиатор )
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 1
    Required Level: 70
    Стоимость: 500 Bravery Badge или 500 Valor Badge
    ATK + 5%, MATK + 5%, HIT + 10, Maximum HP + 500, Maximum SP + 50
    Add 1% chance of auto casting Stun on the enemy when attacking.
  12. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    One-handed Sword

    Gladiator Blade
    Subtype: One-Handed Sword
    Atk : 115
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge.
    A sword favored by gladiators, it is especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 1
    Dex + 1
    MATK + 10 %
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.

    Valorous Gladiator Blade
    Subtype: One-Handed Sword
    Atk : 115
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge.
    A sword favored by gladiators, it is especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 1
    Dex + 1
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.

    Two-handed sword

    Brave Assaulter's Katzbalger
    Subtype: Two-Handed Sword
    Atk : 200
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge.
    A Two-handed Sword made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 2
    Increases phyiscal damage to [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.

    Valorous Assaulter's Katzbalger]
    Subtype: Two-Handed Sword
    Atk : 200
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge.
    A Two-handed Sword made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    CRIT + 20
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Increases damage with critical attacks by 20%.

    One-handed Spear

    Assaulter Spear
    Subtype: One-handed Spear
    Atk : 60
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge.
    A special spear made for charging at the enemy's position. It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    If used by a Crusader job type, Aspd +20%.


    Two-handed Spear

    Assaulter Lance
    Subtype: Two-handed Spear
    Atk : 160
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge.
    A Two-handed Spear made to rush at the enemy's position, especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    Physical attacks ignore the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets.


    Two-hand Axe

    Brave Insane Battle Axe
    Subtype: Two-hand Axe
    Atk : 200
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge.
    A terrifying two-handed axe that is said to stimulate the nerves in order to kill Demihumans, once it's in the wearer's hands.
    STR + 3
    Increases damage to [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Adds a 2% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will have a 100% chance of damaging the target's armor for 3 seconds.

    Valorous Insane Battle Axe
    Subtype: Two-hand Axe
    Atk : 200
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge.
    A terrifying two-handed axe that is said to stimulate the nerves in order to kill Demihumans, once it's in the wearer's hands.
    STR + 3
    Increases phyiscal damage to [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.


    Brave Assassin's Damascus
    Subtype: Dagger
    Atk : 120
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge.
    A dagger especially used for assassinations such as killing Demihumans.
    STR + 1
    AGI + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    If used by a Rogue job type or Ninja, MAtk +90.

    Valorous Assassin's Damascus
    Subtype: Dagger
    Atk : 120
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge.
    A dagger especially used for assassinations such as killing Demihumans.
    STR + 1
    AGI + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    If used by a Rogue job type or Ninja, physical attacks will deal [Occult Impaction] style damage.
  13. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009

    Warlock's Battle Wand
    Subtype: Rod
    Atk : 70
    MAtk: 125
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A Rod that has been modified for brave magicians who face enemies in battle.
    It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    MAtk +15%
    INT + 3
    DEX + 3
    Increases magic damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 15%.
    Adds a 5% chance of inflicting [Stun] on the target when doing a magical attack.

    Warlock's Battle Wand
    Subtype: Rod
    Atk : 70
    MAtk: 125
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A Rod that has been modified for brave magicians who face enemies in battle.
    It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    MAtk +15%
    INT + 4
    DEX + 3
    Magical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    Adds a 5% chance of inflicting [Stun] on the target when doing a magical attack.

    Strong Recovery Wand
    Subtype: Rod
    Atk : 70
    MAtk: 125
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A Rod that is intended to heal people during battle.
    It provides special treatment to serious wounds.
    MAtk +15%
    Increases the recovery power of the user's healing skills 14%.
    Restores 5 SP to the user every 10 seconds.

    Speedy Recovery Wand
    Subtype: Rod
    Atk : 70
    MAtk: 125
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A Rod that is intended to heal people during battle.
    It has been optimized to heal more rapidly.
    MAtk +15%
    Reduces the skill usage delay by 15%.
    Restores 5 SP to the user every 10 seconds.


    Brave Battlefield Morning Star
    Subtype: Mace
    Atk : 105
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A deadly mace that is usually worn by the best fighter; it seems to be capable of damaging through an enemy's armor.
    It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 1
    DEX + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Adds a 1% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will have a 50% chance of inflicting [Stun] on the target when doing a melee attack for 6 seconds.

    Valorous Battlefield Morning Star
    Subtype: Mace
    Atk : 105
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A deadly mace that is usually worn by the best fighter; it seems to be capable of damaging through an enemy's armor.
    It is especially designed for battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 1
    DEX + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.


    Brave Battle Strategy Book
    Subtype: Book
    Atk : 90
    MAtk : 123
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A battlefield book written by ancient strategists from a far east country. It is still being studied by many militarists.
    STR + 2
    INT + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.

    Valorous Battle Strategy Book
    Subtype: Book
    Atk : 90
    MAtk : 123
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A battlefield book written by ancient strategists from a far east country. It is still being studied by many militarists.
    STR + 2
    INT + 1
    Magical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.


    Brave Battle Fist
    Subtype: Claw
    Atk : 30
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    Battle Gloves used by combatants in the field of battle. Its wearer is never exhausted because it brings unlimited power once worn.
    STR + 2
    INT + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Reduces the cast time for [Guillotine Fist] by 25%.
    Adds a 5% chance for when dealing physical damage, the cast time on [Guillotine Fist] will be completely removed for 6 seconds.

    Valorous Battle Fist
    Subtype: Claw
    Atk : 30
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    Battle Gloves used by combatants in the field of battle. Its wearer is never exhausted because it brings unlimited power once worn.
    STR + 2
    INT + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Adds a 2% chance of using [Zen] Lv 1 when doing a physical attack.
  14. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    Fuuma Shuriken

    Brave Huuma Front Shuriken
    Subtype: Huuma
    Atk : 55
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    Huuma Shuriken that holds great strength and brings extraordinary power in battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 2
    DEX + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.

    Valorous Huuma Front Shuriken
    Subtype: Huuma
    Atk : 55
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    Huuma Shuriken that holds great strength and brings extraordinary power in battles against Demihumans.
    STR + 2
    DEX + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Adds a 5% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will deal doubled damage with [Throw Huuma Shuriken] and [Killing Stroke] for 10 seconds.


    Brave Carnage Katar
    Subtype: Katar
    Atk : 130
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A particularly modified Katar created for battles against Demihumans. It makes for a battlefield full of blood and terrible crimes if equipped by a Master Assassin.
    STR + 1
    DEX + 1
    LUK + 1
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 70%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.

    Valorous Carnage Katar
    Subtype: Katar
    Atk : 130
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A particularly modified Katar created for battles against Demihumans. It makes for a battlefield full of blood and terrible crimes if equipped by a Master Assassin.
    STR + 1
    DEX + 1
    LUK + 1
    ASPD + 5%
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 70%.
    Increases damage from critical attacks by 20%.


    Brave Battle CrossBow
    Subtype: Bow
    Atk : 100
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A Crossbow that has been designed to deal more damage to Demihuman monsters.
    INT + 10
    DEX + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.

    Valorous Battle CrossBow
    Subtype: Bow
    Atk : 100
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A Crossbow that has been designed to deal more damage to Demihuman monsters.
    DEX + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.



    Brave Battlefield Guitar
    Subtype: Guitar
    Atk : 50
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A guitar which was created to encourage armies amidst battle.
    It looks useful for battles against Demihumans.
    DEX + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Increases the damage inflicted with [Arrow Vulcan] by 20%.

    Valorous Battlefield Guitar
    Subtype: Guitar
    Atk : 50
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A guitar which was created to encourage armies amidst battle.
    It looks useful for battles against Demihumans.
    DEX + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.



    Brave Battle Lariat
    Subtype: Whip
    Atk : 50
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    An especially made whip for battling against Demihumans; this whip is strong enough to cut their flesh.
    DEX + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Increases the damage inflicted with [Arrow Vulcan] by 20%.

    Valorous Battle Lariat
    Subtype: Whip
    Atk : 50
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    An especially made whip for battling against Demihumans; this whip is strong enough to cut their flesh.
    DEX + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
  15. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009

    Solder Revolver
    Subtype: Pistol
    Atk : 70
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A Pistol made for short and medium ranged battles against Demihumans.
    It seems to be capable of doing damage even through a bulletproof vest.
    DEX + 2
    HIT - 10
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Adds a 1% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will have max Aspd for 3 seconds.



    Soldier Rifle
    Subtype: Rifle
    Atk : 50
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A Rifle made for short and medium ranged battles against Demihumans, that enables a reduction to the targeting delay; as it is designed to limit the trembling of the shooter's hands.
    DEX + 2
    HIT + 10
    CRIT + 10
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Reduces the cast time for [Tracking] by 25%.



    Soldier Shotgun
    Subtype: Shotgun
    Atk : 100
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Valor Badge
    A Shotgun that has a great attack in short ranged battles against Demihumans.
    It shows a wide variety of strength between each attack.
    DEX + 2
    Normal attacks do splash damage.
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Adds a 3% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will gain Atk +100 and lose 100 HP every second for 6 seconds.


    Gatling Gun

    Soldier Gatling Gun
    Subtype: Gatling Gun
    Atk : 80
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 3
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 100 Bravery Badge
    A specialized Gatling Gun made for battles against Demihumans; occasionally, it shoots high-powered bullets.
    DEX + 2
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 35%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Adds a 1% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will gain Atk +80 and lose 120 HP every secondfor 6 seconds.
  16. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009

    Внимание! Весь расход купленный за Badge, действует только на территории Battleground и KVM

    Tasty Pink Ration
    Subtype: Stat Boost
    Weight: 0
    Стоимость: 10 Bravery Badge или 10 Valor Badge
    Foodstuffs prepared for urgent situations. Don't eat too fast, you might choke on it.
    Gives Atk +15 for 10 minutes.

    Tasty White Ration
    Subtype: Stat Boost
    Weight: 0
    Стоимость: 10 Bravery Badge или 10 Valor Badge
    Foodstuffs prepared for urgent situations. Don't eat too fast, you might choke on it.
    Gives MAtk +15 for 10 minutes.

    Military Ration A
    Subtype: Recovery
    Weight: 0
    Стоимость: 5 Bravery Badge или 5 Valor Badge
    Improved Ration A, which is convenient for a busy life. Don't be so sure about the taste.
    Restores 10% of the user's max HP and SP.

    Military Ration B
    Subtype: Stat Boost
    Weight: 0
    Стоимость: 10 Bravery Badge или 10 Valor Badge
    Meal Ready to Eat. Improved Ration B, which is convenient for a busy life. Don't be so sure about the taste.
    Gives Hit +33 for 10 minutes.

    Military Ration C
    Subtype: Stat Boost
    Weight: 0
    Стоимость: 10 Bravery Badge или 10 Valor Badge
    Meal Ready to Eat. Improved Ration C, which is convenient for a busy life. Don't be so sure about the taste.
    Gives Flee +33 for 10 minutes.

    C более полным списком вы можете ознакомиться у данных НПЦ.
    //Yellow Gemstone, Cobweb, Смеси для АДа, Poison Bottle, Blue Potion, Royal Jelly - Присутствуют//
  17. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    1. Оружие за KVM - очки

    One-Handed Sword

    Glorious Flamberge
    Subtype: One-Handed Sword
    Atk : 130
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +7 upgrade bonus:
    Aspd +5%
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Aspd +5%
    Adds a 20% chance of using [Fatal Wound] Lv 2 on the target when [Bash] is used.

    Glorious Holy Avenger
    Subtype: One-Handed Sword
    Atk : 130
    MAtk : 80
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    INT + 1
    Each upgrade gives Int +1.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    Reduces the SP cost of skills by 10%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Casts [Lex Aeterna] Lv 1 on the target when [Gloria Domini] is used.
    +10 upgrade bonus:
    Int +5

    Glorious Rapier
    Subtype: One-Handed Sword
    Atk : 130
    MAtk : 80
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Int +1
    Each upgrade gives Int +1.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    Reduces the SP cost of skills by 10%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Int +5


    Two-Handed Sword

    Glorious Claymore
    Subtype: Two-Handed Sword
    Atk : 220
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 2: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 3) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 3% chance of using [Aura Blade] Lv 1 or the user's level if its higher, on the user when doing a physical attack.
    Adds a 3% chance of using [Spear Dynamo] Lv 1 or the user's level if its higher, on the user when doing a physical attack.


    One-Handed Spear

    Glorious Spear
    Subtype: One-Handed Spear
    Atk : 130
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    Aspd +10%
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    If used by a Knight job type, adds a 20% chance of using [Fatal Wound] Lv 2 on the target when [Pierce] is used.
    If used by a Crusader job type, adds a 10% chance of using [Gloria Domini] Lv 5 on the target when doing a physical attack.


    Two-Handed Spear

    Glorious Lance
    Subtype: Two-Handed Spear
    Atk : 220
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 70%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    If used by a Knight job type, adds a 20% chance of using [Fatal Wound] Lv 2 on the target when [Pierce] is used.
    If used by a Crusader job type, adds a 20% chance of using [Gloria Domini] Lv 5 on the target when doing a physical attack.


    One-Handed Axe

    Glorious Cleaver
    Subtype: One-Handed Axe
    Atk : 130
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 70%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    Aspd +5%
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Aspd +5%
    Adds a 5% chance of using [Fatal Wound] Lv 1 on the target when doing a physical attack.
    Adds a 20% chance of using [Fatal Wound] Lv 2 on the target when [Mammonite] is used.


    Two-Handed Axe

    Glorious Twohanded Axe
    Subtype: Two-Handed Axe
    Atk : 220
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 70%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 2: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 3) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    Adds a 5% chance of using [Fatal Wound] Lv 1 on the target when doing a physical attack.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Increases the chance of using [Fatal Wound] to 10%.
    Adds a 20% chance of using [Fatal Wound] Lv 2 on the target when [Mammonite] or [High Speed Cart Ram] is used.



    Glorious Gladius
    Subtype: Dagger
    Atk : 120
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    Adds a 2% chance of using [Lex Divina] Lv 1 on the target when doing a physical attack.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 25% chance of using [Wide Bleed] Lv 1 when [Sightless Mind] is used.



    Glorious Morning Star
    Subtype: Mace
    Atk : 130
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    Aspd +5%
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Aspd +5%
    Adds a 20% chance of inflicting [Stun] on the target when doing a physical attack.



    Glorious Claw
    Subtype: Claw
    Atk : 30
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a (Upgrade - 5)% chance of using [Occult Impaction] Lv 5 on the target when doing a physical attack.
    Adds a (Upgrade - 5)% chance of using [Decrease AGI] Lv 1 on the target when doing a physical attack.

    Glorious Fist
    Subtype: Claw
    Atk : 30
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Removes the cast time for [Guillotine Fist].
    Automaticly casts [Zen] Lv 1 when [Fury] is used.



    Glorious Apocalypse
    Subtype: Book
    Atk : 90
    MAtk : 155
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 80%.
    Magical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Increases magic damage by 5%.
    Reduces the variable cast time of skills by 5%.
    Reduces the skill usage delay by 5%.

    Glorious Tablet
    Subtype: Book
    Atk : 90
    MAtk : 155
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 80%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 3% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will gain Atk +200 for 3 seconds.
  18. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009

    Glorious Bloody Roar
    Subtype: Katar
    Atk : 140
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 70%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 7% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will have max Aspd for 3 seconds.

    Glorious Jamadhar
    Subtype: Katar
    Atk : 140
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 70%.
    Increases damage from critical attacks by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases the crit rate on [Demi-Human] race targets by 5.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 7% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will have max Aspd for 3 seconds.



    Glorious Shuriken
    Subtype: Huuma
    Atk : 55
    MAtk : 90
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Adds a 5% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will deal doubled damage with [Throw Huuma Shuriken] and [Killing Stroke] for 10 seconds.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 2: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 3) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 20% chance of using [Fatal Wound] Lv 2 on the target when [Throw Huuma Shuriken] is used.
    Casts [Heal] Lv 10 on the user after [Killing Stroke] is used.



    Glorious Hunter Bow
    Subtype: Bow
    Atk : 100
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Each upgrade increases critical attack damage by 2%, til an upgrade of +10.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Increases the damage inflicted with [Double Strafe] by 20%.



    Glorious Pistol
    Subtype: Pistol
    Atk : 80
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Each upgrade increases the damage inflicted with [Trigger Happy Shot] by 2%.
    Automaticly casts [Coin Flip] Lv 1 when [Trigger Happy Shot] is used.



    Glorious Rifle
    Subtype: Rifle
    Atk : 90
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 75%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Increases the damage inflicted with [Triple Action] by 30%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Increases the cast time for [Tracking] by 25%.



    Glorious Shotgun
    Subtype: Shotgun
    Atk : 110
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Normal attacks do splash damage.
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 55%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Increases the damage inflicted with [Triple Action] by 30%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 20% chance of inflicting [Stun] on the target when using [Spread Shot].
    Each upgrade increases the damage inflicted with [Spread Shot] by 3%.


    Gatling Gun

    Glorious Gatling Gun
    Subtype: Gatling Gun
    Atk : 90
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 35%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    Increases the damage inflicted with [Triple Action] by 30%.
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Each upgrade increases physical damage by 1%.


    Grenade Launcher

    Glorious Grenade Launcher
    Subtype: Grenade Launcher
    Atk : 330
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 35%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    Increases the damage inflicted with [Triple Action] by 30%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 20% chance of inflicting [Stun] on the target when using [Spread Shot].
    Each upgrade increases the damage inflicted with [Gunslinger Mine] by 3%.
    Adds a 20% chance for when dealing physical damage, the user will gain Aspd +20% for 20 seconds.



    Glorious Guitar
    Subtype: Guitar
    Atk : 50
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 10% chance of using [Tarot Card of Fate] Lv 5 on the target when [Arrow Vulcan] is used.



    Glorious Lariat
    Subtype: Whip
    Atk : 50
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases physical damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 95%.
    Physical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 20%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Slaughter] Lv 1: Increases physical damage bonus by (Upgrade - 4) ^ 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 10% chance of using [Tarot Card of Fate] Lv 5 on the target when [Arrow Vulcan] is used.



    Glorious Arc Wand
    Subtype: Rod
    Atk : 80
    MAtk : 135
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases magic damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 15%.
    Magical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Increases magic damage by 5%.
    Reduces the variable cast time of skills by 5%.
    Reduces the skill usage delay by 5%.

    Glorious Cure Wand
    Subtype: Rod
    Atk : 80
    MAtk : 135
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Reduces the skill usage delay by 10%.
    Increases the recovery power of the user's healing skills 14%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Bless] Lv 1: Increases healing bonus bonus by (Upgrade - 5) * 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    The healing bonus is increased by 5%.
    Magical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 10% chance of using [Heal] Lv 10 on the target when [Heal] is used.
    +10 upgrade bonus:
    The healing bonus is increased by 10%.


    Two-handed Staff

    Glorious Destruction Staff
    Subtype: Rod
    Atk : 70
    MAtk : 210
    Weight : 0
    Weapon Level : 4
    Required Level : 80
    Стоимость: 2000 KVM points
    Increases magic damage against [Demi-Human] race targets by 15%.
    Magical attacks bypass the defense of [Demi-Human] race targets by 25%.
    Each upgrade increases magic damage by 1%.
    +6 upgrade bonus:
    [Destruction] Lv 1: Increases magic damage bonus and defense bypassing by (Upgrade - 5) * 2, til an upgrade of +14.
    Increases defense bypassing by 5%.
    +9 upgrade bonus:
    Adds a 20% chance of using [Safety Wall] Lv 10 on the user when [Storm Gust], [Lord of Vermilion] or [Meteor Storm] is casted.
  19. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    Броня за KVM очки

    Glorious Mass-Production Suit
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 0
    Стоимость: 15 KVM очков
    Max HP + 500

    Glorious Popularized Suit
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 61
    Стоимость: 120 KVM очков
    Max HP + 600
    SP regen + 10%

    Glorious Suit Данная броня входит в сет с Glorious Shoes, Glorious Muffler.
    Subtype: Armor
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 840 KVM очков
    Max HP + 20%
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 7%.

    Накидка за KVM очки.

    Glorious Muffler - Данная накидка входит в сет с Glorious Suit, Glorious Shoes.
    Subtype: Muffler
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 630 KVM очков
    Max HP + 5%
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 5%.

    Ботинки за KVM очки.

    Glorious Mass-Production Shoes
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 0
    Стоимость: 10 KVM очков
    Max HP + 5%

    Glorious Popularized Shoes
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 61
    Стоимость: 70 KVM очков
    Max HP/Max SP + 5%

    Glorious Shoes
    Subtype: Footgear
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 580 KVM очков
    Max HP + 10%
    Reduces damage received from [Demi-Human] race by 4%.
    Adds a 1% chance of using [Increase AGI] Lv 1 on the user when physically attacked.

    Плюшки от полного сета Glorious Suit, Glorious Muffler, Glorious Shoes.

    Increases physical and magic damage by 5%.
    Gives immunity to [Frozen] status.
    Increases the recovery power of the user's healing skills by 3%.

    Стоимость всего сета: 2050 KVM очков
  20. SnupoS ВОТ ЭТА, ПОПКА-А-А-А-А!! АААА~

    На форуме с:
    30 сен 2009
    Аксессуары за KVM очки.

    Glorious Popularized Ring
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 0
    Стоимость: 30 KVM очков
    All Stats + 1

    Glorious Mass-Production Ring
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 61
    Стоимость: 200 KVM очков
    All Stats + 2

    Glorious Ring
    Subtype: Accessory
    Weight: 0
    Def: 0
    Required Level: 80
    Стоимость: 1200 KVM очков
    Max HP + 300
    Reduces the variable cast time of skills by 3%.
    Reduces damage received from [Fire], [Earth], [Wind] and [Water] element attacks by 10%.
    Increases the recovery power of the user's healing skills by 5%.
    Данное кольцо идет в сете с любым из Medal__of__Honor